At Mountain View High School, a dedicated team works tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure students succeed: Dr. Randy Hernandez, Valerie Torres, and Alma Gomez. These remarkable individuals not only monitor attendance but inspire students to show up on time, prepared, and ready to give their best every day.
Dr. Hernandez plays a crucial role in supporting students who are at risk due to poor attendance. His efforts go beyond data tracking; he holds meetings with parents to stress the importance of consistent attendance and encourages students to reach their full potential. Through his compassionate and proactive approach, he helps bridge the gap between school and home, ensuring every student has the tools and motivation they need to thrive.
Ms. Torres and Ms. Gomez are equally vital to the team. Their responsibilities extend from maintaining accurate attendance records to notifying parents and guardians about tardiness or truancy. Beyond their administrative duties, they contribute to the school’s sense of safety and community by keeping an eye on students’ whereabouts and offering guidance when needed. Through their kindness and approachability, they build trust with students and steer them in the right direction.
Students describe the attendance office as a welcoming and uplifting space. Gabriela Lopez (’26) and Isael Sanchez Mejia (’26) share that the team is always positive and easy to talk to, making the office a place of comfort and support.
Thanks to Dr. Hernandez, Ms. Torres, and Ms. Gomez, Mountain View’s attendance office is more than just a system of records—it’s a cornerstone of the school’s commitment to fostering a supportive and successful environment for all its students.